Ill fuck your mind

Look who we have here. One of my favorite wankers! You cant resist your beautiful, matchless and most fuckable Goddess. Today I plan to dominate your mind, with my beautiful body and, above all, with my voice. I want to see you on your knees in front of me. Until I give you the order to touch yourself you will be totally forbidden from jerking off. Hold on, pig. I love to seduce you, to leave you with the desire to give you the pleasure of wankingf. How long has it been since youve fucked? Someone like you, Im not surprised you havent had sex in months. Im going to go a little further… youre disgusting! Theres too much contrast between a perfect Goddess like me and a ridiculous, trashy, wanker like you. Come on, start touching yourself. I know youve had a hard-on for a while now, but I feel like laughing at you. How the fuck do you intend to fuck someone with such a small dick? Even when youre hard, you look small. Please stop disappointing women, especially me. Youre only good for paying me, thats all! Dont stop pounding that tiny, useless, little dick of yours, you look so ridiculous! Its painful to watch you pay me while I insult you. Thats how I treat losers like you. I want to see you near my ass. Its your weakness. Youve never seen such a perfect ass in real life. Ive got you overpowered and Im going to destroy your mind!

Ill fuck your mind

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Dana Da Silva at Yoogirls