Tag Archives: Lisa Jordan

Become my little toy

You see self control is something that you use to have until you started lurking on my pages. I was planting seeds all along in your weak little beta mind. You didnt even realize how deeply youd be under my control until it was too late. Now, its too late! Now stroking to my perfection and giving me your worship puddles is all you desire to do anymore. I have manipulated your mind and now I am going to make your addiction even deeper.

Become my little toy

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Lisa Jordan – Your Newest Addiction store at Yoogirls

Fucking your wallet tonight

Your findom addiction is so bad for you, but it is so fucking good isnt it? I want to send you into absolute ruin. You will just keep leaking it all away! Why would I ever want to see you cured from this addiction when I can keep exploiting you? There is no such thing as recovery for you! I know you are aching to pump it all away, so buy up and lets do just that!

Fucking your wallet tonight

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Lisa Jordan – Your Newest Addiction store at Yoogirls

Bikini babe locks it up

Custom: I am your slave who has a fetish for swimsuits and you have just caught me checking you out in your bikini. In the beginning of the video you are wearing denim shorts and a top that shows some of your stomach. You had let me out of chastity recently for being so well behaved but now you will punish me for gawking at you without permission. You give me the chastity cage and tell me to lock it. Just before I do you stop me because you want to show me what Ill be missing while Im locked up. You take off your top and your shorts revealing a tight bikini. You tease me with your hot body referencing your bikini a bit and then countdown leaving me to suffer.

Bikini babe locks it up

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Lisa Jordan – Your Newest Addiction store at Yoogirls

Your daughters bratty, hot friend

Custom: Hello I was hoping you could play my daughters hot best friend who has noticed me always checking her out. She is flattered by this but now wants to be paid to keep her lips sealed or else she will tell my daughter and wife. I agree and you tease me with your hot body, hair and beautiful face. You remind me a few times throughout how beautiful you are. All to let me jerk off and keep it a secret, you enjoy being a homewrecking spoiled brat.

Your daughters bratty, hot friend

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Lisa Jordan – Your Newest Addiction store at Yoogirls

Erotic grip

I am going to have your mind spiraling out of control as your hand clenches the edge of your seat as I bring you on an erotic roller-coaster to orgasm. I am going to bring you to the most wonderful place you have ever been, a place of happiness where that cock is swollen with pleasure and that mind becomes mine. Now sit back, relax and allow my voice to carry your thoughts.

Erotic grip

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Lisa Jordan – Your Newest Addiction store at Yoogirls

My butt vs. your bank account

One look at my perfect round ass and your mind turns to mush. Just think of what it would be like to press send and hand over your most sensitive information, just from watching me pull the stings on my bikini and revealing my perfect bare bottom. Dare to get caught in my web just for a little thrill? Buy up piglet, you know you cant resist the image to your right 😉

My butt vs. your bank account

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Lisa Jordan – Your Newest Addiction store at Yoogirls

A loser you will always be

Custom: Ive bought quite a few clips from you in the past and absolutely love your body, attitude and beauty. Ive had a great idea for a custom clip and I think you would be prefect at its heart. You and I went to school together. I was dorky & geeky, had no friends. You were always popular & beautiful. You bullied me horrendously – making me carry your books,flushing my head down toilets and ordering your croney boyfriends to beat me up in front of you while you laughed. Please go into detail about how you bullied me, laughing in my face. Now, its years later and youve just been promoted over me at our office job. Ive been struggling away for 10 years, while you strolled in a week ago and were instantly made manager of our branch. You have called me into your office to gloat. The school bullying is back, worse than ever. You laugh at how Ive struggled through life and always lost out to you. I am now your bitch again, just like in school. I will be the office slave – have to clean everyones shoes, collect everyones garbage and clean the toilets. You will invite your rich, successful, beautiful old school friends over so they can laugh at me. you will all beat me up and flush my head down the toilet -leaving me there in the dark over night. In school you made call you Queen Lisa in front of everyone I was loser-boy. All the women in the office will now call me this and treat me like a slave. You laugh at how things havent changed – In school, your parents were super rich and you always had everything you wanted. My family were scum – really poor. You and your rich girl friends used to make fun of my clothes, car and house. You always made me hand over any money I earned (even though u didnt need it) because you deserved everything. You tell me that now youre my boss you will make sure I never have make enough money to live on. You boast about how much you make, You earn 30x my tiny salary you tell me all my wages will now go to you. If I fail to please you in any way you will fire me & make sure I never work again. You laugh and say that Ill be working 18 hour days,while you go out shopping & having expensive meals. When I finally clock out Ill have to wash your car, buy your groceries then come round and scrub your mansion toilet & floors while you lounge around laughing – no sleep or food for me – only work. Sneering, you say nothing has changed. You tell me how fabulous your life is (servants, swimming pools, luxury everything). I beg you to give me a little bit of money or I will soon be homeless, You say that you have always wanted to see me starving on the streets. You and your rich school girlfriends will come by every day in your expensive furs an jewellery to laugh at my poverty,bully me every day, stamp on any food Ive found,take any money – just so I have nothing. Now your my boss, the bullying will continue forever until I , sad poor and alone. While you live in luxury forever. (sorry its so long – I got a bit over-excited) Also, could you call me slaveboy, loser, dorky etc…

A loser you will always be

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Lisa Jordan – Your Newest Addiction store at Yoogirls