Financial power plays: The cost of giving

Day by day, you conscientiously head to work, sacrificing your leisure for overtime and adhering to a frugal lifestyle to save carefully. However, your life is by no means bleak because there is a clear reason for the way you live. Your hard-earned money and savings flow directly into my hands, enabling me to lead a life of luxury, all while you observe from afar how I relish in the amenities that life has to offer, thanks to your diligent earnings. As I relax on my terrace during a vacation youve contributed to, you experience joy and an urge to be even more generous, allowing me to enjoy even more. You have found your desire to be dominated and used in me and for this you willingly and gratefully open your numbercolumn. Its an eternal cycle that fulfills you, and you no longer wish to merely watch from the sidelines but willingly give it your all.

Financial power plays: The cost of giving

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