Youre about to be cursed. Cursed the moment you listen to this audio. Because once triggered, you will experience the pleasure of having the best oral sex of your life, having your nipples stimulated, and having a vibrating butt plug in your ass. But, you wont be able to cum. Not for at least 30 minutes. And even if you do cum, you still wont be able to stop the pleasure. The pleasure will continue again for another 30 minutes. One full hour of being constantly on the edge. This curse is a very cruel curse. Because you must trigger yourself once every ten days. If you do not, the amount of time you must remain on the edge of ecstasy will increase, prolonging your torment. And if you repeatedly fail to trigger yourself every ten days, that added time will become permanent! You truly will be a slave to your pleasure, especially since the curse can only be removed by me, if and when I want to!


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