She is hot and beautiful – she is a dangerous temptation! And she knows how much you like her, so it’s no problem for her to dig deep into your mind and do whatever she wants… This results in allowing her to use Teamviewer to abuse your computer – and to blackmail you only moments later! And the worst thing is, that she really enjoys it breaking you and ruining your life!

You can’t resist her, so don’t try – and watch her now – at
Wow, what a loser! He was drunk and weak – and filled out Akara Fang’s blackmail contract! Days later he deeply regretted it but now there was no way back… Akara offered him to video chat with him – and you can follow the whole story! Additionally she talked in POV style to the watcher, you, so you feel like being blackmailed yourself…!

Don’t miss this great clip which you can find at
They want all your money – and you will give it!